Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Today was Hard!
It was also a very busy day for me,
so I will be doing my pm with tomorrows am.


A. Good morning @22X1 - 3RM

B1. Barbell step up; 6-8/leg x 4; rest 30 sec
*I prob could have done weighted but Matt Springer insisted that I do body weight since I was super quad dominant. Matt Bryant later on told me that I could just do a lower box. 
I felt like i figured out how to use my hammies/glutes after just doing body weight for a couple sets, but yeah. 

B2. Side plank x 45 sec per side; rest 60 sec
B3. Ring dip amrap in 60 sec; rest 90 sec
*I feel like i was super rusty on these. I should probably be doing these way more. 

C. for time:
75 ring push ups
*I felt really sucky on these

- every break 
for time @hard effort:
50 slam balls
25 burpees
25 cal AD
Time: 10:28
*I know my time wasn't the best, but my triceps and shoulders were shot!

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