Monday, August 4, 2014


Okay today was tough. 
I don't know if it was "supposed" to be tough
but it was
I kind of got my butt handed to me


A. Back Squat - build to a heavy single (not a 1RM)
I got to 155lbs
*It was slow as molasses

B. Snatch; 3@80%, 2@85%, 2@87.5%, 1@90%; rest 2 min
1st set: 125 
2nd set: 135 
3d set: 140 
4th set: 145
*still need to pull it back to my body. 

C. Rear foot elevated split squat; 6-8/leg x 3; rest 60 sec b/t legs (go up in weight from previous)
THESE sucked BAD
for time:
FS (135#)
Chin up
*I got 11:25
*This was really tough, pull ups were so easy, but everything else was hard. I did all the FS unbroken.  
My legs were just jello. 

AD 1 min max cals
rest walk 5 min
x 2
*Okay, these were HELL. 
I never knew that 1 minute could suck so bad. 
*30 cals
*22 cals

rest as needed

for time @97%:
Row 500m
10 PC&J (95#)
10 burpees AFAP
Time: 2:56
*Matt Springer said I am lacking "power" and that I should have done that in 2:15 ish. He said it was too controlled. SO HELP ME ;) I thought I was doing it right! I was DEAD, or so I thought...
supposedly I should have been more dead. 

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