My weekend was great
I was out of town at a family reunion in St. George, Utah
It was a lot of fun making memories and spending time with my family
Most of all I loved watching my kids with their cousins
Crazy how I can love my brothers' kids SO much
I was able to train at a box called "Dixie CrossFit" and it was awesome!
Everyone there was really nice and welcoming
I ate a LOT though.
I have some extra pounds to work off this week, but with all my hard work and getting back on it tomorrow It will come off fast ;)
I feel good but my hip is hurting a little and I want to make sure and take care of it.
I have been supplementing and trying to take care of myself the best I can!
This weekend threw me off just a little bit because my sleeping and my eating and everything else was just a little out of whack
Warm up – include snatch balance work with load…..
1st set:A. Snatch; 3@75%, 3@80%, 2@85%, 1@90%, 1@95%; rest 2-3 min
2nd set:
3d set:
4th set:
5th set:
*I missed this one twice, then hit a really good one for my third try*
B. Snatch pull; 3,2,2,1; rest 2-3 min (3@155,2@160#,2@165#,1@170#)
*I could not go from my old max (285lbs), I was feeling a little weak and it pissed me off.C. Emom 6 min - BS 2.0.X.1 (90%)
Sooo I kind of swallowed my pride and went off of 250lbs. I need help :/
*I did these at 225lbs*
1st time: 3:513 sets for time @consistent pace:Row 400m25 HSPU50 DUrest walk 3 min*Okay this was hard! Harder than I thought it was going to be
2nd time: 3:41
3d time: 3:31
Okay! I need some help on my form...my btn jerks felt GREAT, but my regular jerks felt like CRAP!--Evening--A. BTN jerk + Jerk; 1.1 x 5; rest 2 min (build from 175#)
1-175lbs 2-175lbs 3-185lbs 4-190lbs 5-195lbs
B. Push press - build to a heavy single
Still @ 165lbs- Then complete 3 more singles at that weight; rest 2-3 min
LOVED this one. They felt SO GOOD and I was kipping my DIPS!!! YES!C. Emom 14 min -odd - chin up x 6 unbrokeneven - ring dip x 5
Took about 11-13 seconds for each of these, I don't know how to butterfly my CTB yet.
My time was 8:46+for time:30 reps - 1 PC + 1 front rack lunge/leg + 1 push press (115#)*THIS WAS TOUGH! I liked it though!!!!
-I got 35 reps10 min @ 85%:TGU (1pd)
I did ROW, AD and RUNrest 5 min10 min @ 85%:VC 100'Row 200mSki 100m
I got 5 rounds+100meters of AD and 56meters of RUN
7 rounds plus 30' single arm front rackrest 5 min10 min @ 85%:35 DU30' single arm front rack KB carry (alt arms per set)1 MU
*The MU were harder on the rings they had there :/
*Love swimming metcons but I can never time my laps because I am in the water and I just count to 30 in my head for the rest. I just used a paddle board for the kick and pull...hope thats right.--Evening--100m pull100m kick+Swim 25m @90%rest walk 30 secx 26+Swim cool down 5 min
A. Clean (from blocks, bar just below knee) - build to a heavy single
205lbs, it was kind of ugly so I didn't go up. I did 205lbs for 3 singles. They didn't have blocks.
They didn't have the same thing we have so I used a smaller box and did it off of that. I used 50lbs/50lbs/55lbs/55lbsB. DB rear foot elevated split squat; 6-8/leg x 3; rest 2 min
They didn't have a prone row machine so I did dumbbell ones. I wasn't sure what to do.C1. Prone row @21X1; 5-7 x 4; rest 30 sec
C2. Barbell upright row; 6-8 x 4; rest 2 min
*9:55+12 rounds for time:5 unbroken CTB chin ups5 burpees5 double KB front squat (1.5pd/h)
This got really hard and my time was messed up because someone restarted the clock!
I didn't even time my walk but it felt good to get away!PMSwim 45 min easy+Walk 2 miles
*these are my favorite--Sunday--60 min walk unplugged
--Sleep and Food--
these were both kind of disorganized so I didn't keep track.
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