Thursday 7/3/14
Morning Workout
Warm up – include snatch balance work with load…..*worked up to 135lbs*
A. Snatch pull + Mid hang snatch pull + Hang snatch - 12 sets
They all felt really good
10- 145lbs UGLY one
11- 145lbs MISS
12- 145lbs GOOOD ONE!!!!!
B. Emom 20 min - Snatch x 1 (build from 60%)
Started @ 100lbs
1- 100lbs
2- 105lbs
3- 110lbs
4- 115lbs
5- 125lbs
6- 130lbs
7- 135lbs miss :/
8-135lbs GOOD
9-135lbs GOOD
10- 135lbs UGLY one
11- 135lbs miss :/
12- 135lbs GOOD
13- 135lbs miss :/
14-135lbs UGLY one
15- 135lbs GOOD
16- 135lbs GOOD
17- 135lbs GOOD
18- 135lbs miss :/
19- 135lbs GOOD
20- 135lbs UGLY one
C. 6 sets – every 2 min - Segmented snatch DL x 3 (120,125,130,135,140,145)
This hurt my thumbs so bad, so I tried doing it without a hook grip and I couldn't hang on to the bar.
5 sets for time @consistent pace:
10 double KB thrusters (1pd/h)
10 burpees
rest walk 1 min
*I really liked this little WOD
*Each round was about a minute*
1- 1:00min
2- 1:03min
3- 1:00min
4- 1:00min
5- 1:01min
A. Push press- build to a heavy set of 5
Started at 115lbs
1st set: 115lbs
2nd set: 125lbs
3d set: 135lbs
4th set:145lbs
--Felt really heavy-- Like heavier than usual
B. Emom 8 min – Jerk dip squat + SJ (80-85%)
C. Jerk from blocks - build to 80% fast
*Started at 125lbs and worked up to 165lbs
D. PS - Tng x 3 - build to a tough set
*Started at 105 trying to keep good form and built to 125
E. Emom 14 min -
odd - DU x 20 unbroken
even - CTB chin up x 5 unbroken
*I really liked this one. I thought the CTB would be hard but I did each round unbroken except one of the rounds I messed up my DU.
I finished my DU and my CTB in about 12-13 sec for both.
*Upper body feeling a little shot right now.
* I kind of had to change some things cause the box I was at didn't have everything I needed and I was unsure on some of the lingo *
10 min @ 85%:
5 ring dips
25m FW (70#/h)
150m row
* My Ring dips got tough because I suck at kipping dips and so I end up doing them all strict.
rest 5 min
10 min @ 85%:
20m walking lunge
5 Tng PC (135#)
100' VC
*I did 1:00min on the airdyne instead of the VC
rest 5 min
10 min @ 85%:
3 front rack lunge (115#)/leg
4 box jumps (20”, cycle)
3 wall walks
4 burpees
45 min swim easy
*We were at the beach so I ran instead, I just jogged for 45min...I swam but not laps. More like playing in the waves ;)
A. 5 sets - Clean x 1 + Hang clean x 1 + FS x 3; rest as needed
This was really tough
Started at 135lbs
2- 145lbs
3- 155lbs
B. Take 85% of A weight - Emom 5 min
I assumed this was Cleans for 5min?
I did 150lb cleans EMOM
C. 15 min –
Min 1 – RC x 1 (15’)
Min 2 – Pendlay row x 6 (I used 145lbs, wasn't sure how heavy to go)
Min 3 – 8 cal row
*tried to row the correct way*
5 rounds for time:
5 DL (205#)
5 strict pull ups
Time: 1:53
-Love me some deads
*I THREW UP SOME MUSCLE UPS, they did NOT look good or feel good. I didn't fail any though.
I WAS SUPPOSED to do this :
for time:
PS (85#)
ring push ups
box jump over (20")
*BUT I couldn't get to a box because we were driving home from California. I couldn't find anywhere open, so I just did a little push-up/sit-up/sprint/air squat WOD at my house.
60 min walk unplugged
This felt GREAT TODAY!
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