Sunday, July 13, 2014


Its Saturday!
I love Saturdays 
Todays workout was great
I wasn't able to do the 115# hang squat cleans because 
I couldn't get into a gym that was open, 
 I know that Sloan has access to a box, I can go with her in the future. 
SO I had to do something a little different. 
BUT I REALLY want to do the 50 hang squat cleans for time. 

A. 3 sets - Clean x 3 Tng + FS amrap set; rest 3 min (build from 155#)
I like to build from the bottom
95#-3 cleans
105#-2 cleans
125#-2 cleans
145#-2 cleans

Starting (3cleans+FS amrap)
1ST SET: 155# + 7 Front squats 
2ND SET: 165# + 8 Front squats
3D SET: 180# + 3 Front Squats
*I wasn't sure if I should go till failure on my FS 
or play it a little safe so I could get the future cleans and FS in*

B. Pendlay row @21X2; 3-5 x 5; rest 2 min
I tried doing the sets of 21 @ 115# and I couldn't do it. I did them at 95#
Then I did the other sets @ 105#
*Later on Michael Bann helped me with form on these, and I might of been able to go heavier if I was doing them with better form for the sets of 21. Not sure how heavy to go on these. 

C. Strict lean away chin up; 6-8 x 4; rest 2 min
Michael also helped me on these.
These were tough! 
I did 6 on each set.


10 rounds for time:
3 DL (205#)
100m ski
5 bar facing burpee
*I LOVED this little WOD*
TIME: 11:08
*I felt like I got faster as it went on--

20 sets of 30 sec sprints
-85% and 50%
*Sprints always kick my butt!!!

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