Sunday, July 27, 2014

Friday, Saturday, Sunday

This weekend went really well. 

-I threw up a bunch of bar muscle ups and strung some ring mu before I started. 

10 min @ 85%:
VC 100'
3 med ball 2 shoulder
1 RC
*6 Rounds

rest 5 min

10 min @ 85%:
Row 200m
8 barbell reverse lunge (115#)
HS walk 10'
*3 Rounds
+ 200 meter ROW
--almost 4 rounds--

rest 5 min

10 min @ 85%:
Ski 150m
6 ring dips
6 V-ups
*5 Rounds
+ SKI 116meters

*These are getting better

Swim 25m @90%
rest walk 30 sec
x 24
*This was awesome*


A. Clean (from blocks, bar at just above knee) - build to a heavy single
*I feel so awkward doing these from this position! 
I worked up to 195 and failed 205 but 195 felt SO GOOD. 

B1. Axel bar pendlay row; 3-5 x 4; rest 30 sec
B2. Prone row @21X2; 5-7 x 4; rest 30 sec
B3. Ring row @1010; 7-9 x 4; rest 2 min
*my back was torched! 

C. Emom 12 min - 
odd - DU x 25 unbroken
even - CTB chin up x 6 unbroken
*I thought this would be harder, but my CTB felt SO LIGHT!
In 10 minutes:
Row 2k
Amrap HSPU (-6") in remaining time
*My row sucked. My best is 7:49 for a 2k, and I got 8:31. 
* I got 11 -6" deficit HSPU

Walk 30 min
Swim 30 min
*Felt Great

60 min walk unplugged
*this is my favorite, a total excuse to just get out and be alone. 

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