Thursday, December 26, 2013

Iron Fitness Games & Christmas Break

Thursday December 26th 2013

I haven't posted yet since the 
Iron Fitness Games
It was fun and I managed to pull out a win 
so that is always a good feeling
Whenever this happens I feel like I owe so much of it to my coach
I just do what he tells me to do and then when its time to perform, 
good things happen
I still have SO MANY weaknesses 
and I haven't lost sight of that
I had a lot of fun with the other competitors who were all
amazing and such good people with amazing attitudes
I loved my judges and the competition was run really smoothly
I was also impressed with all my FELLOW WARFITTERS 
who all did so incredible as well as some other
 friends who signed up, Trevor Bertlesman and Jon de Vries

Here are the WODS and my placement in each 
(not quite sure on the distances)

WOD #1:
OH Yoke Carry (155lbs) 30meters down and back 
with 15 burpees in between each 30 meters
 (4min time cap)
1st place

2 min rest and then:

WOD #2:
30meters sled push (145lbs) alternating with a keg (125lbs)
(4min time cap)
1st place

2min rest and then:

WOD #3:
2min AMRAP of 
ground to shoulder and shoulder to overhead 
with an axle bar (95lbs)
I got 20 total of each
1st place

WOD #4:
10 KB swings with 53lbs
and a stone ladder
load a stone and do 10 kb swings in between each load
starting at 75lbs up to 200lbs
I lapped the 200lb twice! and almost loaded it but missed.
1st place

a 2000meter row for time
My time: 7:49
1st place

TOP 5 RX women
3 rep max dead lift
I got 335lbs
*the next jump with the weights given 
would of had to be 365lbs and I don't think I could pull that.
tied for 1st on this one

2 min rest and then:

Fat Fran=
21-15-9 reps of

axle bar thrusters at 65lbs
pullups on the yoke (fat bar)

my time was 5:45
those bars were hard on my grip!!!
-all thrusters unbroken
1st place

Here are some pics:


I took a week off of WODing after this
I have been running in the mornings every morning except 
the sunday after and Christmas morning 
Each run has been between 1 and 3 miles
I ran 2 miles 
I ran another 2 miles

I stuck pretty close to my diet and ate healthily until Christams Eve
Then that evening I had a cheat dinner and dessert 
AND on Christmas Day I planned on doing my food plan but 
did not follow suit. 
SO today I decided to get back on IT
Although I am out of some things so I did not get it all in

1/2 cup ezekiel cereal
1/4 cup berries
(out of protein)

3 whites
1 whole egg
1 cup broccoli

Meal #3
4oz chicken
1 cup broccoli

Meal #4
10 almonds

4oz chicken
1 cup broccoli

Meal #6
10 almonds
about 4oz chicken
(needed something to sub protein) 

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