Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Really Sucky Day

Wednesday December 11th, 2013

I am feeling defeated
Most days I see the light and feel hope 
Try and look at the bigger picture
Today I just feel like a loser
I know everyone says...
"oh but look at all your gains and this and that"
I just don't want to hear that because I feel like there are 
BIG ones
I know all I can do is KEEP MOVING FORWARD
I just wanted to sit down and cry today

Today was another good nutrition day
I haven't really had an appetite the past 2 days
I don't know why, I have had to make an extra effort to eat every 3 hours

Meal #1 
1/4 cup raspberries
1/2 cup ezekiel bread
25 grams protein

Meal #2
1 egg
3 egg whites
1 cup broccoli

Meal #3
4oz chicken
2 cups spinach

Meal #4
*This one was split up cause I had to teach the kids class, 
so I just grabbed the almonds and had the shake after. 
25 grams protein
10 almonds

Meal #5
4oz tilapia
2 cups spinach

Meal #6
(not pictured cause I haven't eaten it yet)
10 almonds

* I was really sore today, back, lats, shoulders and to the touch.

Morning JOG
* I jogged a mile- I just wanted to make sure my knee was good.
 Its feeling better each day thank the heavens above. 


2x800m @80% Rest- 2 min. 
1st time: 4:05
2nd time: 4:11

Muscle-ups 6x1 (no luck)
Even Minutes
Squat Clean and Jerk (Based of 215lb max)
Odd Minutes
1×3 @ 60% 130lbs
1×3 @ 65% 140lbs
1×2 @ 70% 150lbs
1×2 @ 75% 160lbs
1×1 @ 80% 170lbs
1×1 @ 85% 180lbs

Squat Clean Thruster @110lbs *1 rep every 10 seconds for 5 minutes=30reps)
This was REALLY HARD, I totally dug deep for this today. 

*Didn't make the time cap*
*spent a lot of time on the bar muscle ups*
--got into the 3d round--

3 Rounds
Row 600m
30 Pistol Squats
6 Bar Muscle Ups

--Elbows were throbbing afterwards--

*Something I am "happy" about*
I am DONE with school till January 
I am DONE with work after Saturday, until January
I can train on Saturdays and I can come in the mornings to
work on skills everyday
instead of JUST Tue and Thurs mornings!!!
...I NEED this...

Tomorrow morning I am  coming in to do this stuff:

GHR (3x10)
Glute Ham Raises
GHD Situps (3x10)
MU skill work
Running and Air Dyne

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